Team Care Compliance

A Cost-Effective Approach to Transform and Empower Employees

Team Care Compliance endorses and works with organisations to encourage participative management and its implementation; many questions arise in the reader's mind
Mixed race woman wearing a blue jacket smiling and talking to somebody in an office.

Is participative management beneficial? What are the pros and cons? What are the challenges involved in implementation? What effect does it have on ROI? and is this cost-effective for an organisation?

  • Increase in Productivity: An increased say in decision-making means a strong feeling of association. The employee now assumes responsibility and takes charge. There is lesser news or delegation, or supervision from the manager. Working hours may get stretched independently without any compulsion or force from the management. All this leads to increased productivity.
  • Job Satisfaction: In many organisations that employ participative management, most of the employees are satisfied with their jobs and the level of satisfaction is very high. This is especially when people see their suggestions and recommendations implemented or implemented. Psychologically, this tells the employee that ‘he too has a say in decision making and that he too is an integral component of the organisation and not a mere worker’.
  • Motivation: Increased productivity and job satisfaction can only exist if the employee has a high level of motivation. The vice versa also holds true! Decentralised decision-making means that everyone has a say and everyone is important.
  • Improved Quality: The inputs or feedback comes from people who are part of the processes at the lowest or execution level. This means that even the minutest details are taken care of and reported. No flaw or loophole goes unreported. Quality control thus begins and is ensured at the lowest level.
  • Reduced Costs: There is a lesser need for supervision, and more emphasis is laid on widening skills and self-management. This and quality control means that the costs are controlled automatically.
    While Team Care understand that Organisations require software to improve efficiencies, quality assurance and KPIs. What software fails to provide is dynamic and person-centred recommendations that can transform a team’s culture and behaviours; 

If your organisation is ready to empower its employees in return to run a more cost-effective and reputable organisation, get in touch with us today!